The Canada West Region of the PCA is an exceptional collection of the nicest people, who also happen to own some very cool Porsche cars. Our membership currently numbers over 900 primary members and 400 associate / family members.
Canada West is an incredibly active club with many diverse driving, social and competitive events... and, while we love our cars.. it's truly about people who share our common love and passion of Porsche cars while enjoying and celebrating time together.
There are just 9 PCA regions in Canada. British Columbia is in Zone 6 and host to 3 regions:
Canada West, British Columbia Interior and Vancouver Island. Alberta is in Zone 14 and is home to Wild Rose, centered in Calgary and the Polar Region which is based in the Edmonton area. Zone 10 is located in Canada's Red River region, which comprises all of Manitoba. The remainder of the Canada falls under Zone 1: Upper Canada in Ontario, Rennsport which is made up of Quebec, Southeast Ontario, and Acadia which covers the Atlantic provinces.
For PCA as a whole, as the age and interests of its members is continues to broaden, PCA National believes that attention to modernizing the club is necessary while appealing to new members and yet, still serves the interests of its existing members in order to ensure that overall club vitality is preserved now, and into the future.
A Canada West Region core value is a commitment to our entire club membership, ensuring our interests are addressed in the historic, current and future needs of the club. We are committed to providing continual attention to our history and modernization which reflects current and legacy interests, resonates with all ages, and offers ways to engage which are approachable, inclusive and which speak to a growing Porsche community; ever more contemporary and culturally diverse.
The Canada West region sees the overarching vision from PCA National as an opportunity for ALL CWR members to participate in our current events, while preserving and honouring our our region's history; whether it be in article, news item, photograph, video or other form of communication, as a way to ensure we continually attract and engage with our new, current and legacy membership, in a rapidly changing digital world.