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Thanks to our Editor, Edward Quan, and the efforts of our many volunteer contributors, we celebrate current events and preserve our history by e-publishing a club magazine every quarter for our members.
C2SKY continues to connect our community by telling our ongoing story and providing an inside view to everything Porsche happening within the Canada West Region.
Look below for current and past issues. Paper versions are also available in the waiting rooms of our sponsors.
If you would like to contribute articles or ideas to future issues of C2Sky, please contact our editor, Edward Quan, at
editor@pca-cwr.org. We are always looking for stories about our favourite people, events and Porsches!
Our Legacy Documented
Shortly after the Canada West region was established in 1975, our magazine, “Timberline” appeared in its first issue in 1976. This significant part of our club's documentation endures, and remains a current and legacy artifact which preserves the history, and evolution of our region.
Please find all previous editions of our magazine HERE
Our Magazine has had a number of dedicated and enthusiastic editors over the years, all of whom had the challenge to assemble content from contributors and advertisers, in order to satisfy the unique content requirements each edition and publication had (not an easy task). During its lifetime, our magazine its editors have been recognized, not only by our membership and neighbouring regions, but also by PCA National, from whom we've received award recognition in 1988 (3rd place), 1989 (2nd place) and, 1990 (1st place).
A Canada West Region core commitment to our club membership is to ensure our magazine is reflective of the history, current, and future needs of the club. We work to ensure continual attention to both history and modernization that reflects interest, resonates with all ages, and offers information which is approachable, inclusive and speaks to a growing Porsche community, ever more contemporary and culturally diverse.
The role of our newsletter (become magazine), has evolved significantly since it’s debut. Initially it was the main communication medium for members, sharing upcoming events and also which served to preserve stories and past events. Within its pages, there has always been a strong focus on events, members, advertisers and technical issues. With the advent of the internet, it has become much easier to provide more timely communication, and so its role has evolved, to now become an electronic and print magazine published quarterly, still focused on preserving the history and evolution of events, and support of our advertisers.
How PCA Values are reflected in CWR
For PCA as a whole, the age and interests of its members is broadening. PCA National believes that modernization of the club is necessary when appealing to new members and yet, still serving the interests of its existing members in order to ensure club vitality is preserved now, and into the future. The Porsche Club of America's award-winning publication PANORAMA, is also available to Canada West club members through you primary PCA membership. Additional information can be found under the "Magazine" section of the PCA National website, where the latest and previous editions PANORAMA are waiting for you.
The Canada West region sees this overarching vision from PCA National as and opportunity for ALL members to participate in documenting our current events and preserving our history; whether it be in article, news item, photograph, video or other form of communication, as a way to ensure we continually attract and engage with our membership in a rapidly changing digital world.