Join us for an early AM spirited drive up the Sea to Sky Hwy This Weekend Please Bring Clothing Donations for the Quibble Creek Homeless Recovery Shelter. Winter is coming so please dig into your closet - we are especially interested in collecting Jackets, Pants, Hoodies and Shoes. Your donation will not only help keep someone warm, it will also help demonstrate that the community cares and may even be a step towards recovery, getting off the street and job training START LOCATION: Caulfield Village Shopping Centre Only Porsche models are allowed to participate
As this has a driving component we will require waivers to be signed for all members, guests and minors attending. Remember to bring your signed waivers with you, they are a mandatory part of our event. Printing in black and white is perfectly acceptable. Use the buttons below to download your waiversPrint PCA Adult Waiver Print PCA Minor & Parent Waiver
A Donation to attend this event is Voluntary Only, all Net Proceeds will go to fund our 2023 BCIT Automotive Bursary